Gold Support Programme

Gold package

Development, Training & Compliance Support

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Revive, refresh and relaunch your catering service. Included in this level of support is two monthly visits, plus a continuous working action plan.


Looking to review, relaunch or expand your business but not sure where to start? – Let us support the process. 

We can help you put quality, profitability and sustainability at the forefront of your operation. 

We will work with your team to achieve a set criteria through action planning and training tools. 

In addition, we also complete our annual Best Practise Review, to benchmark the operation against others nationwide.

As part of this or any package you also get unrestricted access to the remote support of our entire team as and when required.

Looking for Contract Catering Support…

We offer close contractual monitoring, you may be outsourced for the first time or not currently happy with your service. – We can help!

This package aims to scrutinise how catering is being carried out by your contractor and provides your location with confidence that they are receiving value for money.

Regular visits to review finances, KPIs and contractual delivery. These can be based on standardised audits or detailed reviews on performance to meet you business needs. 


Contact us today to find our more information